- Bruno Courcelle. Fly-automata for checking monadic second-order properties of graphs of bounded tree-width.
- Uéverton Souza, Dieter Rautenbach, Lucia Draque Penso, Felix Joos and Marcio Duarte. On Graphs with Induced Matching Number Almost Equal to Matching Number.
- Jon Lee and Daphne Skipper. An algebraic-perturbation variant of Barvinok's algorithm.
- Bi Li, Fatima Zahra Moataz, Nicolas Nisse and Karol Suchan. Minimum Size Tree-decompositions.
- Andres J. Ruiz-Vargas. Many disjoint edges in topological graphs.
- Frances Rosamond, Michael Fellows, Uéverton Souza, Fabio Protti and Maise Dantas Da Silva. The Flood-It game parameterized by the vertex cover number.
- Renata Del-Vecchio, David Jacobs, Vilmar Trevisan and Cybele Vinagre. Diagonalization of generalized lollipop graphs.
- Javier Marenco. The caterpillar-packing polytope.
- Cristina Fernandes and Marcio T. I. Oshiro. Trajectory clustering of points in R.
- Rafael Santos Coelho, Phablo Fernando Soares Moura and Yoshiko Wakabayashi. The k-hop connected dominating set problem: hardness and polyhedra.
- Elisa Celis, Filip Pavetic, Brunella Spinelli and Patrick Thiran. Budgeted sensor placement for source localization on trees.
- Cristina Fernandes, Tina Janne Schmidt and Anusch Taraz. Approximating Minimum $k$-Section in Trees with Linear Diameter.
- Samuel Nascimento and Rudini Sampaio. Roman domination in subgraphs of grids.
- Atílio Luiz, Christiane Campos, Simone Dantas and Diana Sasaki. The 1,2-Conjecture for powers of cycles.
- Gabriela Argiroffo, Silvia Bianchi and Annegret Wagler. A polyhedral approach to locating-dominating sets in graphs.
- Sandip Das, Swathyprabhu Mj and Sagnik Sen. On oriented relative clique number.
- Pierre Aboulker, Zhentao Li and Stéphan Thomassé. Excluding clocks.
- Carlos Ferreira and Alvaro Franco. A min-max relation in flowgraphs.
- Valeria Leoni, María Patricia Dobson and Erica Hinrichsen. NP-completeness of the {k}-packing function problem in graphs.
- Nicolas Martins and Rudini Sampaio. Inapproximability of the lid-chromatic number.
- José Zamora and Martín Matamala. Weighted antimagic labeling: an algorithmic approach.
- Fernanda Couto, Luerbio Faria, Sylvain Gravier, Sulamita Klein and Vinícius F. Dos Santos. Structural characterization and decomposition for cographs-(2,1) and (1,2): a natural generalization of threshold graphs.
- Cláudia Linhares Sales, Rafael Vargas and Leonardo Sampaio. b-continuity and the lexicographic product of graphs.
- Glenn Hurlbert, Liliana Alcon and Marisa Gutierrez. Pebbling in 2-paths.
- Mário César San Felice, Sin-Shuen Cheung, Orlando Lee and David P. Williamson. The Online Prize-Collecting Facility Location Problem.
- Jing Huang and Josh Manzer. Chronological Rectangle Digraphs.
- Fábio Botler and Andrea Jiménez. On path decompositions of 2k-regular graphs.
- Celina Figueiredo, Zhentao Li, Helio Macedo Filho, Raphael Machado and Nicolas Trotignon. Using SPQR-trees to speed up algorithms based on 2-cutset decompositions.
- Liliana Alcón, Noemi Gudiño and Marisa Gutierrez. On containment graphs of paths in a tree.
- Graciela Nasini and Pablo Torres. Some links between identifying codes and separating, dominating and total dominating sets in graphs.
- Andre Ribeiro, Luis Kowada, Franklin Marquezino and Celina Figueiredo. A new reversible circuit synthesis algorithm based on cycle representations of permutations.
- André B. Carneiro, Cândida Nunes Da Silva and Brendan McKay. A Faster Test for 4-Flow-Criticality in Snarks.
- Breno L. de Freitas, Cândida Nunes Da Silva and Cláudio L. Lucchesi. Hypohamiltonian Snarks Have a 5-Flow.
- Márcio F. Reis, Orlando Lee and Fábio L. Usberti. Flow-based formulation for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem.
- Fábio Botler, Guilherme O. Mota, Márcio T.I. Oshiro and Yoshiko Wakabayashi. Decompositions of highly connected graphs into paths of length five.
- Eduardo Alberto Canale Bentancourt and Claudio Risso. Optimal Edge Fault-Tolerant Bijective Embedding of a Complete Graph over a Cycle.
- Julio Araujo, Frédéric Havet and Mathieu Schmitt. Steinberg-like theorems for backbone colouring.
- Mitre Costa Dourado, Carlos Vinicius G.C. Lima and Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter. On f-Reversible Processes on Graphs.
- D. Artigas and R. Sritharan. Geodeticity of the contour of chordal bipartite graphs.
- Flavia Bonomo, Ivo Koch, Pablo Torres and Mario Valencia-Pabon. k-tuple chromatic number of the cartesian product of graphs.
- Liliana Alcon, Flavia Bonomo, Guillermo Durán, Marisa Gutierrez, Maria Pia Mazzoleni, Bernard Ries and Mario Valencia-Pabon. On the bend number of circular-arc graphs as edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid.
- Laurent Bulteau, Gustavo Sacomoto and Blerina Sinaimeri. Computing an Evolutionary Ordering is Hard.
- Ricardo Corrêa, Javier Marenco, Diego Delle Donne and Ivo Koch. A Strengthened General Cut-Generating Procedure for the Stable Set Polytope.
- Breno Piva and Cid C. De Souza. Partitions of Rectilinear Polygons with Minimum Stabbing Number.
- Carlos Hoppen, Hanno Lefmann, Knut Odermann and Juliana Sanches. Edge-colorings avoiding fixed rainbow stars.
- Pascal Halffmann, Sven Krumke, Alain Quilliot, Annegret Wagler and Jan-Thierry Wegener. On the Online Min-Wait Relocation Problem.
- Marina Groshaus and Leandro Montero. Tight lower bounds on the number of bicliques in false-twin-free graphs.
- Norie Fu and Takafumi Shibuta. An algorithm for solving parametric integer programming.
- Min Chih Lin, Michel J. Mizrahi and Jayme L Szwarcfiter. Efficient and Perfect domination on circular-arc graphs.
- Oliver Schaudt and Maya Stein. Partitioning two-coloured complete multipartite graphs into monochromatic paths and cycles.
- Pablo De Caria and Miguel Ángel Pizaña. On second iterated clique graphs that are also third iterated clique graphs.
- Luis M Torres. Minor related row family inequalities for the set covering polyhedron of circulant matrices.
- Fabio Abe, Edna Hoshino and Alessandro Hill. The Ring Tree Facility Location Problem.
- Sudheer Vakati and David Fernández-Baca. Compatibility, Incompatibility, Tree-Width, and Forbidden Phylogenetic Minors.
- Marco Blanco, Ralf Borndörfer, Michael Brückner, Nam Dũng Hoàng and Thomas Schlechte. On the Path Avoiding Forbidden Pairs Polytope.
- Jonathan Lee and Ago-Erik Riet. Graph Saturation Games.
- Samuel Souza Brito, Haroldo Gambini Santos and Marcus Poggi. A Computational Study of Conflict Graphs and Aggressive Cut Separation in Integer Programming.
- Mitre Costa Dourado, Luciano Norberto Grippo and Martín Darío Safe. On the hereditary (p,q)-Helly property of hypergraphs, cliques, and bicliques.
- Victor Campos and Raul Lopes. A Proof for a Conjecture of Gorgol.
- Tetsuya Araki and Norie Fu. On Rotational Symmetries of Drawings of Coherent Periodic Graphs.
- Omid Atabati and Babak Farzad. A hierarchical network formation model.
- Luis Montejano, Jonathan Chappelon, Leonardo Martínez, Luis Pedro Montejano and Jorge Ramirez-Alfonsin. Kneser Transversals.
- Carlos Alejandro Alfaro and Carlos Enrique Valencia. Graphs with few critical ideals.
- Jorge Alencar, Tibérius Bonates, Carlile Lavor and Leo Liberti. An algorithm for realizing Euclidean distance matrices.
- Fabricio S. Benevides, Victor Campos, Mitre Dourado and Ana Silva. Complexity of determining the maximum infection time in the geodetic convexity.
- Babak Farzad and Asiyeh Sanaei. Three-colourability of planar graphs with no 5- or triangular {3,6}-cycles.
- Leonardo Ignacio Martínez Sandoval and Luis Montejano. Fractional Turan's theorem and bounds for the chromatic number.
- Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Guilherme O. Mota, Mathias Schacht and Anusch Taraz. A counting lemma for sparse pseudorandom hypergraphs.
- Sylvia Boyd and Philippe Legault. Toward an 6/5 bound for the minimum cost 2-edge connected subgraph problem.
- Alex Cunha Lima, Georgia Garcia, Leandro Zatesko and Sheila Almeida. On the chromatic index of cographs and join graphs.
- Ignacio M. Pelayo, José Cáceres, Carmen Hernando, Mercè Mora and M.L. Puertas. Quasiperfect Domination in Trees.
- Florencia Fernández Slezak, Guillermo Durán, Luciano Grippo, Fabiano Oliveira and Jayme Szwarcfiter. On unit interval graphs with integer endpoints.
- Laura Eslava and Louigi Addario-Berry. High degrees in Recursive Trees.
- Hiep Han, Troy Retter, Vojtech Rodl and Mathias Schacht. Ramsey-type numbers involving graphs and hypergraphs with large girth.
- Adriana Hansberg and Yair Caro. Isolation in graphs.
- Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona and Samah Taha. On the average path length of a cycle plus random edges.
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